The Walking Dead is an american tv serie written by Robert Kirkman on air on the AMC. It's born by the comix of Robert Kirkman and it has inspireated also a lot of videogames based on the tv series and not.
It talks about the history of a group of survivors in a zombie apocalips. The protagonist of this tv serie is Rick Grimes(Andrew Lincon), a vice scerif of the King's contea, near Atlanta. In a grand theaft auto has been shoot by a thief. He woke up in an abandonated hospital. After he undrestood whit the help of Morgan(Lennie James) that the world is fallen by a virus that transform the dead people in zombies or "walkers". So he decide to find his wife Lory(Sarah Wayne Callies) and his son Carl(Chandler Riggs). But when he arrive to Atlanta it is attacked by an horde of walkers. But with the help of Glenn Rhee(Steven Yeun) he escape from Atlanta and arrive at the refugee center where he find his son and his wife that now she has a love story with the best friend of Rick, Shane Walsh(Jon Bernthal). The people thinks thath is a little bit boring like tv serie(there are 6 seasons) because it talks always of same things, but it is very nice for the story and the special effects. Is also one of the best tv series on FOX and AMC.